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Available Online

Start your Own Business

Move to a consultancy or interim career.

1,350 British pounds
Online Zoom Session

Available spots

Service Description

This course is designed for executives, from any sector, considering the transition into an independent, freelance, consultant or interim director career. Why Take this Online Course? - Create a career plan to make a successful transition from full-time employment into an independent, freelance, consultant, interim director or board advisor. - Develop an online presence to support your new career direction. - Review your career successes and translate them into consulting services you can offer. - Have a great CV, promote yourself, network and meet prospects. - Arrange prospect meetings, understand needs, put a costed proposal together and close. - Demonstrate the right mindset to secure your first contract and ensure you have a healthy pipeline of work. Benefits - Decide your consulting career objectives. - Have a new consultant/interim director CV and updated LinkedIn profile. - Promote yourself online, build a network and meet businesses who want your services. - Identify your current consulting competencies and those you need to develop. - Learn to secure consulting/interim roles by influencing decision makers to say “yes” or “no.” - Prospect/present yourself in the right way that creates security and trust. - Build motivational relationships, acquire and use the information you need to close contracts.

Contact Details


London WC1H 8HW, UK

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